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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


ALPHABETICAL_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
ANUBISIUS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
ATENZA - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
ATTACK_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck


BAKURA - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
BANDIT_KEITH - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
BCD - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
The pool of cards the generate the drop for a BCD duel rank.
build() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Builds the seed search.
Builder(Deck, List<Card>) - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Creates a new builder for a seed search.


canBeEquippedWith(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns whether this card can be equipped with the given equip card.
cancel() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
Cancels the search.
Card - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
A representation of a card in Forbidden Memories.
CARD_ID_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
createDuelistDeck(Duelist, RNG) - Static method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Creates an AI duelist's deck.


DARKNITE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
Deck - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
Implementation of a deck of cards in Forbidden Memories.
Deck() - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Creates a new deck with no cards.
Deck(Collection<Card>) - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Creates a new deck with the given composition of cards.
Deck(Deck) - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Creates a copy of another deck
DECK - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
The pool of cards is sampled to create the AI's deck.
DECK_SIZE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
The size of a deck in Forbidden Memories.
DEFAULT_SEARCH_SPACE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
How many rand() calls to consider when searching for a seed.
DEFENSE_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
DESERT_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
DUEL_MASTER_K - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
Duelist - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
A representation of a Forbidden Memories duelist.
Duelist.Name - Enum Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
The names of all the duelists in Forbidden Memories.


equals(Object) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
EQUIP_TYPE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
equips(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns whether this equip card can be successfully equipped to the given monster.


FMDB - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
The entry point for querying FM game data.
FOREST_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
fromDelta(int) - Static method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Creates a new RNG seeded with the default value of 0x55555555 and advances the RNG state by the given number of rand() calls.
fuse(Card, Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Performs a fusion or returns the second card if no fusion is possible.
fuseOrNull(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the result of fusing this card with another card, or null if no fusion is possible.
fuseOrNull(Card, Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Performs a fusion or returns null if no fusion is possible.
fuseWith(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the result of fusing this card with another card.


get(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Gets the card in the deck at the given index.
getAbcSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted alphabetically.
getAiSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its AI sort value.
getAllCards() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets all FM cards.
getAllDuelists() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets all FM duelists.
getAllEntries() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns all entries in this pool.
getAllEntries(Predicate<Pool.Entry>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns all entries in this pool that match the given filter.
getAllRituals() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Returns all rituals in the game.
getAllSorts() - Static method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Gets all the deck sorts available in Forbidden Memories.
getAtkSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its attack points.
getAttack() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the attack points of the card.
getAttribute() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the attribute of the card.
getCard() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Entry
Returns the card encapsulated by this entry.
getCard(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets a card by its id.
getDefense() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the defense points of the card.
getDefSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its defense points.
getDelta() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Gets the number of rand() calls that have been made.
getDescription() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the in-game description of the card, with line-breaks preserved.
getDrop(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns the card dropped by the AI when using this pool for the given RNG value.
getDrop(RNG) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns the card dropped by the AI when using this pool for the given RNG seed.
getDuelist(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets a duelist by id.
getDuelist(Duelist.Name) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets a duelist by name.
getEntry(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns the Pool.Entry for the given card ID.
getEntry(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool
Returns the Pool.Entry for the given card.
getFirstGuardianStar() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the primary Guardian Star of the card.
getHandSize() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns the number of cards in this duelist's hand.
getId() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ID of the card.
getId() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns the ID of this duelist.
getInstance() - Static method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Gets the singleton instance of FMDB.
getJpAbcSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted lexicographically in Japanese.
getJpAtkSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its attack points in Japanese release.
getJpDefSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its defense points in Japanese release.
getJpMaxSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its max sort value in Japanese release.
getJpTypeSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its type in Japanese release.
getLevel() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the level of the card.
getMaterials() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Ritual
Returns the materials required to perform this ritual.
getMaxSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its max sort value.
getName() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the name of the card.
getName() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns the name of this duelist.
getPassword() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the password of the card.
getPool(Pool.Type) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns the drop pool of the given type for this duelist.
getProbability() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Entry
Returns the probability of the card being dropped (out of 2048).
getRange(int, int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Gets the range of cards in the deck from the given start index to the given end index.
getResult() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Ritual
Returns the result of this ritual.
getRitual(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Returns the Ritual that is activated by the given ritual card id.
getRitual(Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Returns the Ritual that is activated by the given ritual card.
getRitualCard() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Ritual
Returns the ritual card that activates this ritual.
getSecondGuardianStar() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the secondary Guardian Star of the card.
getSeed() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Gets the current seed value.
getSpaceEnd() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
Gets the ending value of the seed space to explore, as set by the builder.
getSpaceLength() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
Gets the length of the search space, i.e., the number of seeds that will be explored.
getSpaceStart() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
Gets the starting value of the seed space to explore, as set by the builder.
getStarchips() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the starchip cost of the card.
getStrength() - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns the Guardian Star that this Guardian Star is strong against.
getType() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the type of the card.
getTypeSort() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the ordinal value of this card in the full list of cards when sorted by its type.
getWeakness() - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns the Guardian Star that this Guardian Star is weak against.
GuardianStar - Enum Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
The Guardian Stars in Forbidden Memories.


hashCode() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
hasMageAggressiveFieldAi() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns true if this duelist will prioritize playing field spells when the current field is not their preferred field.
HEISHIN_1 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
HEISHIN_2 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


isEitherMage() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns true if this duelist is a high mage or low mage.
isEquippable(Card, Card) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
Determines whether a monster can be equipped with an equip card.
isHighMage() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns true if this duelist is a high mage.
ISIS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
isLowMage() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
Returns true if this duelist is a low mage.
isStrongAgainst(GuardianStar) - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns true if this Guardian Star is strong against the given Guardian Star.
isWeakAgainst(GuardianStar) - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns true if this Guardian Star is weak against the given Guardian Star.


JAPANESE_ALPHABETICAL_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
JAPANESE_ATTACK_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
JAPANESE_DEFENSE_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
JAPANESE_MAX_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
JAPANESE_TYPE_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
JONO_1 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
JONO_2 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
JUPITER - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar


KAIBA - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
KEPURA - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


LABYRINTH_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


MAGE_SOLDIER - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
MAGIC_TYPE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
MAI - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
MARS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
MARTIS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
MAX_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
MEADOW_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
MERCURY - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata - package moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
MOON - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
MOUNTAIN_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


NEKU - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
NEPTUNE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
NITEMARE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
NON_MONSTER_TYPES - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB


OCEAN_MAGE - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


PEGASUS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
PLUTO - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Pool - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
Implementation of drop pools.
Pool.Entry - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
An immutable class representing a card and its probability of being dropped.
Pool.Type - Enum Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
The type of drop pool.


rand() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Generates a random number and updates internal state exactly how FM does.
REX - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
Ritual - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
A representation of a ritual in Forbidden Memories.
RITUAL_TYPE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
RNG - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
An implementation of the RNG used in Forbidden Memories.
RNG() - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Creates a new RNG with the default seed value (0x55555555) and delta of 0.
RNG(int, int) - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Creates a new RNG with the given seed and delta values.
RNG(RNG) - Constructor for class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.RNG
Creates a new RNG with the same seed and delta as the given RNG.


SA_POW - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
The pool of cards the generate the drop for an SA_POW duel rank.
SA_TEC - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
The pool of cards the generate the drop for an SA_TEC duel rank.
SATURN - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
search() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch
Performs the search.
SEBEK - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
SECMETON - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
SeedSearch - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
A utility to search for seeds that produce a given list of draws from the player's deck.
SeedSearch.Builder - Class in moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata
A builder for SeedSearch instances.
SETO_1 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
SETO_2 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
SETO_3 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
SHADI - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
shuffle(RNG) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Shuffles the deck, with its current order as the starting point.
shuffle(RNG, Comparator<? super Card>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Shuffles the deck, with its current order as the starting point.
SIMON - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
sort(Comparator<? super Card>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Sorts the deck according to the given deck sort.
startsWith(List<Card>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Determines whether the deck starts with the given sequence of cards.
SUN - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar


TEANA_1 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
TEANA_2 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
toList() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
Converts this deck to a list of cards.
toString() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Card
Returns the name of the card
toString() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck
toString() - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
toString() - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist
toString() - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
toString() - Method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
TRAP_TYPE - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.FMDB
TYPE_ORDER - Static variable in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Deck


URANUS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Pool.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VENUS - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.GuardianStar
VILLAGER_1 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
VILLAGER_2 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
VILLAGER_3 - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name


WEEVIL - Enum constant in enum class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.Duelist.Name
withCallbackAfterEachHit(Consumer<RNG>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets a callback to be run after each successfully found seed.
withCallbackAfterEachIteration(Runnable) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets a callback to be run after each iteration of the search.
withInitialSeed(RNG) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets the initial seed to use for the search.
withSort(Comparator<? super Card>) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets the sort order for the deck.
withSpace(int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets the range of seeds to explore.
withSpace(int, int) - Method in class moe.maika.ygofm.gamedata.SeedSearch.Builder
Sets the range of seeds to explore.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values